Print version of ‘What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means To Me’

On popular demand, the print version of What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means To Me is now available on

Congratulations to the editors and all the authors! This book is the brainchild of SAVARI  editors Sruthi Herbert and Chetana Sawai along with Gurinder Azad. It has 13 women authors and an equal number of male authors reflecting on Babasaheb Ambedkar’s impact on them, in shaping their perspectives in all their pursuits and goals.

We are very proud of this book, it was envisioned and materialized by Sruthi and Chetana, and with this book, they lay open a clear path for visualizing different models of publishing. They are perhaps not the first Bahujan women editors engaged in publishing political commentary, but they sure are a unique team that gave us a glimpse of the diverse processes of politicization of contemporary young women and men into an Ambedkarite consciousness.

We wish Bahujan women editors of all languages the very best and look forward to reading more books from and by them.

This book was first published as a freely downloadable ebook —  a constant demand from readers for a print version: “for my parents and other elders who are not comfortable reading on screen,” from school teachers, “I want to gift it to my students”, from others, “We want it in our bookshelves” — the ebook has literally walked itself into a print version. This was made possible by the generous contributions from friends, we are very thankful to each one of them.

The book is available on prized at Rs 150.


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